REGULAR CLASS Ellen | Ballet Pro
Every Tuesday 10:00 - 11:15 | Pro
Service Description
Regular Classes every week for 12 weeks START: September 17 END: October 22 Beginners: You are in a dance class for the first time, have not started dancing for long or would like to try a new dance style. Open level: All levels are welcome. Intermediate: You have had dance experience in the dance style for a while but like to take your time in class. Advanced: You have a lot of experience or are already a pro in the field. You would like to get extra challenge during class.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Class is confirmed by paiement - No Refunds. If u cant come to a workshop: Sell Your ticket online or in a post or to one of your friends. Just let us know who s coming instead!
Contact Details
Ottergemsesteenweg 129, Ghent, Belgium